Thursday, April 15, 2010

Experiencing Injustice

Week 2 in the DTS was an introduction to social injustices. Our speaker Colleen Milsteen put a biblical perspective on how God feels about injustice. It opened my eyes and made me passionate about diving into the word and searching for God's heart on this lost and broken world. Colleen challenged us to sit down and read the old testament laws as ways to prevent social injustice. He created laws about land rights and building codes because He cares about our housing. He created laws about protecting widows, orphans, and the poor because He hates poverty. He created sex for marriage so disease and crime would not exist. She brought up the typical question of why does He let it happen and the real question is why did WE let this happen? Do you realize that God loves His people more than you? As christians we are called to glorify God and He commands us to love. How can we blame God or someone else for these injustices and then just sit back and complain about it? It is time to not only give a hungry person food or clean water, but an education and tools so they can learn to produce their own food, shelters, and clean water. It is time to give these people value so they can see God's love and stop hurting one another. We need to invest and be creative in our approach. Some of them have heard about God's love but have never seen it. How can we show the lost God's love?

On Wednesday night of week 2 we had an experiencing injustice demonstration. A few people from YWAM Salem created this presentation for youth groups and conferences. It was overwhelming. We walked through different scenarios for different injustices. We walked through a sweatshop, drank unclean water, there was a house with a pimp and some trafficked girls, an abortion clinic (where we watched a digital drawing of an abortion). We were kidnapped and blindfolded, thrown in a van and told our lives were over. As girls were screaming around us, there was shot and then silence, this all felt so real and it represented child soldiers in Africa. However, the hardest walkthrough for me was the christian bible store. They took our group through a room and showed us how America has 100 different translations of the bible, some languages have no translations. We were then ushered into an underground church which had no bibles just torn pages which was cherished and kept sacred. How convicting! I hardly have time to spend with the word of God and there are some in other countries dying just to read some of the scriptures. It made me rethink how valuable the scriptures are. The whole demonstration was meant to give us God's heart and compassion for the least of these. Pray for these injustices, your prayers will not fall on deaf ears, God will hear every cry out to Him. If you want to know more or hear more about this contact me!

1 comment:

  1. Ahh I finally got to get up to date with your blog! Its amazing to hear how God is speaking to you and at the same time, so convicting for myself as well. Thanks for sharing this friend, I definitely needed to hear it.
    Praying for you and so excited to see the things God is revealing to you :) Love you
